One customer, one basket, two family members...the beginning of To Your Door!
In the summer of 2004, Stephanie and her aunt, Sharon, began a small venture that would grow to serve hundreds of families in the Midwest and receive attention locally, regionally and nationally. It all started with a simple question: How can we get our produce directly to our customers?
Sharon, recently retired and relocating to Michigan, helped Stephanie brainstorm and after settling on the idea of delivery, Sharon pitched the name "To Your Door." The name, and the concept, helped establish our partnership as one that benefits customers' families by helping them eat healthier with the convenience of delivery, while supporting the local economy as well.
After selling quarts of strawberries to friends at the local ballpark, we were ready to prepare our first full basket of fruits and vegetables for a friend, Heather, who later would become a driver for us. Packing that first basket was tedious work as we agonized over quantities and placement of the produce. Two hours later, it was finally packed and ready for delivery!
It's funny to think back on those early seasons with just a few orders that took hours to pack! We've grown from one customer that first week in 2004, to 150 available shares in 2021. Thankfully, the packing process has been streamlined over the years, although we still worry whether or not the final product meets our high expectations!
Sharon went to be with the Lord, but today, Stephanie and family continue what was started, striving to provide fresh, locally-grown produce to customers with friendly, dependable service. It's been a great adventure so far. We think Sharon would be proud of where we're headed!
In the summer of 2004, Stephanie and her aunt, Sharon, began a small venture that would grow to serve hundreds of families in the Midwest and receive attention locally, regionally and nationally. It all started with a simple question: How can we get our produce directly to our customers?
Sharon, recently retired and relocating to Michigan, helped Stephanie brainstorm and after settling on the idea of delivery, Sharon pitched the name "To Your Door." The name, and the concept, helped establish our partnership as one that benefits customers' families by helping them eat healthier with the convenience of delivery, while supporting the local economy as well.
After selling quarts of strawberries to friends at the local ballpark, we were ready to prepare our first full basket of fruits and vegetables for a friend, Heather, who later would become a driver for us. Packing that first basket was tedious work as we agonized over quantities and placement of the produce. Two hours later, it was finally packed and ready for delivery!
It's funny to think back on those early seasons with just a few orders that took hours to pack! We've grown from one customer that first week in 2004, to 150 available shares in 2021. Thankfully, the packing process has been streamlined over the years, although we still worry whether or not the final product meets our high expectations!
Sharon went to be with the Lord, but today, Stephanie and family continue what was started, striving to provide fresh, locally-grown produce to customers with friendly, dependable service. It's been a great adventure so far. We think Sharon would be proud of where we're headed!
To Your Door specializes in the delivery of fresh fruits and vegetables to local communities in Southwestern Michigan and Northern Indiana. Our goal is to meet your family's weekly produce needs. Items in your custom-packed basket are grown on area farms which enables us to offer a broad spectrum of choices.